Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Dungeons and Dragons Mermaid

The Potawatomi story “The Adventures of Raccoon” recounts a troublemaker raccoon and how he tricks villagers, crawfish and his brother Wolf. In the end of the story, raccoon’s last trick is to drown Wolf: “When he was within reach, Raccoon sprang upon him and ducked him until he was drowned. Because of this there is a two-legged animal in the water to this day, which the Potawatomi call a merman. He is half fish and half human,” fromThe Mascoutens or Prairie Potawatomi Indians, Part III, Mythology and Folklore.
Read more at http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/07/17/mermaid-tales-native-tribes-abound-124105

Mermaids of America
Dungeons and Dragons Mermaid

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Legend of the Mermaid Lone Bird

The Mi’kmaq tell the tale of Lone Bird who stumbles upon a cove of five beautiful maidens swimming and playing in the water: “They were lovely, it is true, but they looked nothing like human maidens, for humans do not have pale skin, spotted with silvery scales. They do not dress their hair with strands of seaweed. And though maidens adorn themselves with necklaces of bright shells, humans have legs. Their bodies do not end in long fish tails,” from the bookSpirits, Fairies, and Merpeople: Native Stories of Other Worldsby C.J. Taylo

He Nwas the Mermaid

The Passamaquoddy tell the story of He Nwas, the mermaid. It’s about two girls who defy their mother by swimming where they weren’t supposed to. The girls turn into mermaids and instead of playing on the shore, they tow their parent’s canoe for them.
“They were all slimy; they grew to be snakes from below the waist. After sinking a few times in this strange slime they became very handsome, with long black hair and large, bright black eyes, with silver bands on their neck and arms,” fromThe Algonquin Legends of New England, by Charles G. Leland.

Dowager Sturgeon Mermaid